Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Telling the children...

There are no words to describe how gut-wrenching telling the kids was. Trying to be brave yet letting them know that we will need their help and that it would be a long year. Doing what "they" had said when I researched telling your children you have cancer until 5 in the morning the night before. Using the word cancer. Letting them know they didn't do anything to cause it. I didn't either. Assuring them we are a team in this process and that I will be honest with them and that we all need to work together. It was horrible. Ellie (11) just burst into tears and cried. Sarah (8) just shrank ten times her size. You could see her physically close herself into a shell. she said nothing but just had silent tears running down her face. As expected, they both did reacted as we thought they would and it was just horrible. Henry (6) I think surprised us the most. As usual, we underestimated his reaction. You could tell he was immediately sad but asked the most questions.
"Do you have to take medicine that makes your hair fall out?" 
" you will look weird"
"It's good that Dad has a lot of hats!"
Yep sure is
"Will you have your operation at the hospital where I was born?"
"Can we visit you?"
I don't think so because you will probably be having too much fun with all of your cousins...
That night while putting him to bed, he just started sobbing. When asked what was the matter, he squeaked out " I don't want you to die because you make the BEST pancakes!!" 
Oh sweet boy... I didn't have the heart to tell him that McDonalds usually makes him those pancakes.
I would rather be remembered for my grilled chicken and veggies! :)
Margo (3) had no clue but knew something was wrong and that everyone was sad and kept rubbing my arm.

I can't ever remember such an overwhelming "momma bear" urge to protect my children. To put my arms around all of them and hold on tighter than ever before. To shelter them from all of this mess. To just grab them and run far,far away. But I can't, so I need to turn this fear into fight.
I know I can get through all of this thrown at me. I know I have the strength to do it. I am so sad and mad and disgusted that my children have to do it too, I can barely stand it. I know God has a plan for it all and I know they are resilient and I know that they will "deal" with what is thrown at them. But they should not have to do this. I don't want them to have to. I don't want them to face this type of fear at their ages. It's just not fair. But as I tell the children " Fair is where you get cotton candy..."


  1. I love your strength and your ability to write it so perfectly. You are amazing and will get through this. You've survived so much. Cancer will not beat you!

  2. I love you Aunt Kate! I was crying as I read this. I'm so sorry you all have to go through this. I know I'm far away, but if you need anything, please let me know. I could come down there and distract the kids, or give you a break. Anything you need, please let me know!

  3. Sweet Kate! I've said it before and I'll say it again you're simply super mom. I hate that you're going through this but I have full faith that your strength will get you through it all. It breaks my heart to think of the kids trying to wrap their innocent heads around this "bully" cancer however I'm confident your heart of gold will continue to provide them with SO much love that will help get them through. I'll be sending prayers your way tonight and every night. Thank you so much for reaching out to my sister, I hate that I didn't get to see you before I left the store but I will absolutely be following your progress here. Please know if there's ever anything I can do to help your sweet family, I'd be more than happy to do so just let me know!

    I have to admit, I am new at these kind of blogs. Is there a way of private messaging or does it all have to be through comments?
