Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I am awestruck by the amount of blessings that have been bestowed upon me. It saddens me that I might have always had these daily blessings, yet was just too busy and consumed by, well, life to take the time to notice and appreciate them.

Some are just little snips- after my biopsy, I stopped in for aniced-coffee  at dunkin donuts- it was after 3 pm- 99 cent special- holla! After paying and receiving my delicious goodness. (We all know I love me some coffee!) the young man working there said " hey, I really hope you have a blessed day."  Just a sweet kid that has no clue on the impact one sentence made to the rest of my day.

Last year at this time, John and I were so stressed about moving our children to a new school and our family to a new parish. Had this been on the "table" now, it would have completely been canceled. I feel so blessed that God gave us a year to join and acclimate to this school and parish for it gives me huge comfort that we are in the right "place."

I finally spoke with our priest-Fr. AJ... Yet again, as when i met with him regarding changing schools and parishes, his words were by no means preachy, just down to earth and with heartfelt meaning. I was telling him of my anger and fear for the children and he just said " Kate, the ONLY thing fear and anger does is take away strength and energy. You are going to need a lot of both. Give. It. Up. The only thing you need to focus on is your relationship with god and his relationship with you. Because at 4 in the morning, you can call a friend or family member for help. But God will be with you 24/7."  I just love him.

While I expect to have a priest talk about God, I am amazed that two of my doctors have both said things that have made me feel like I am in the right hands. My PCP called upon getting biopsy results and said " oh Kate, I am so sorry, I had been praying for you all weekend hoping the results were different."
When we went to meet with my surgeon, towards the end of a very long, emotional meeting, she said " I will give you a bit of advice. Faith... You are going to dig deeper for your Faith than you ever have before. And then you will dig even deeper. But it will always be there when you look for it and need it." It still gives me chills!

Last night, I made the last of my calls for Sarah's pool birthday party. Yes, I had to call as I have been a tad was to a really nice ST. Gertrude's family. I knew the husband more than the wife since he was Sarah's basketball and volleyball coach last year. I had spoken to the mom but no more than to say hi and mooch on their adorable toddler. Something in our conversation had me telling her that I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and POW a huge blessing came upon me. She is a physician! I had no clue! We ended up talking for about 45 minutes and she confirmed how much she likes and respects not only my surgeon but also plastic surgeon. She also calmed my fears and finalized my decision to have a double mastectomy.  I hung up the phone and just prayed and thanked God for allowing us to have that conversation. She will never know how much our chat lifted my prayers and spirits.

All of you... The phone calls, messages, comments. Thank you. I am truly feeling your prayers! I told John I woke up this morning feeling stronger and more clear headed than I have in weeks. Please keep them coming. They are appreciated more than you will ever know.
Maybe we should start praying that I can get the laundry and this house in order before August 1!


  1. forget laundry and the house....

    and fill your days with the kids and laughing and loving!!!! laundry can wait- plus seriously I know people will be volunteering to help, leave them stuff to do!

  2. I am in awe of your strength, seriously just in awe. I can not offer prayer but I can offer you positive thoughts and that's all I've been doing since I heard.

  3. Hi Kate.....God is with you ~ Laugh often & Remember the Serenity Prayer.... Rx Daily

    Dr. John Michael

  4. Prayers coming your way, for healing, continued strength, and yes...for cleaning and laundry LOL.

    Debbie Milesky

  5. You know the Laundry will NEVER be done and that I will be here for you and the family 24/7 no matter what. We love over here in Blue Ash, even at 4am.

  6. I admire you for so many reasons and the admiration continues to grow as you face this with such determination and grace. I am here for you in spirit and hope and faith in the Lord that this journey will be short and that our prayers will fall over you like your favorite blanket. Love you! - Tracie Commins

  7. Prayer is power. Faith will see you through. You are my hero...we are all wearing a piece of your cape.

  8. Oh Kate, I am so, so sorry. I just followed Anne's link over here (thank you, Anne, for posting that!)and I am in tears as I read through these posts. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and sending you light and love.

  9. Kate,
    Mommers here, thinking of you every 30 minutes!. I am sorry to report,it has taken me 7 of your posts, to figure out how to comment. Not quite sure this is going to you, but hope it is. This whole thing totally sucks, but I totally think you are up to the task. The medical community should be warned who they will be dealing with in the near future. Perhaps Dr. V has put out an APB ?
    Maggie and I are following your blog,and praying for you all. I haven't continued to call and text as I know you have so much going on at the moment. Call, when and if you need me. I also will be there at 4 in the morning for anything you need....the first pumpkin spice latte when the time comes, or the SauerKraut Festival? You only need to ask. Feel the love :) Ginna

  10. Kate,
    Please know that the St. Gertrude Gerwel Family is praying for you! If there is anything you need we are here. Stay strong and let those around support you and help with whatever you need. Relax and enjoy your wonderful family in the next few weeks all those "tasks" will wait but the special memories with your family should not.

    Prayers and love to you and your family.
    Shelly Gerwel

  11. Kate-
    Speaking of Blessings... your friendship has been nothing less and I truly mean this!

    Your amazing selfless concern for others as you and your family face this journey is a blessing as we all search for the words to express how much we love you.

    Hearing the victory in your voice is a blessing and the fact that you can feel the positive power we are sending and that you are accepting it and holding strong is a blessing.

    Forgive me for rambling.... God Speed Dear Friend! Tracie C

  12. Kate,
    I can't believe I am just now seeing your blog! I am so sorry for what you are going through! You are an amazing, caring, beautiful and strong woman. You ARE going to get thru this trial. I will be keeping you and your family in my thougths and prayers! Love and miss you!
    Denise Partin
