Monday, July 29, 2013

Negative, the new positive...

First major bit of good news since this all started rolling. I found out today that I am BRCA NEGATIVE! Trust me, great news indeed. John and I also saw the plastic surgeon again today. All systems are go for Thursday. I am already missing my coffee I won't be able to have that morning.

So, to recap, Thursday, I have to be at the hospital at 6 am (!) I will have dye injected so my sentinal nodes "light up." Then sentinal node biopsy and other lymph nodes biopsied if the sentinals are positive.   I will have a port placed for when I begin chemo. A double mastectomy and then reconstruction with expanders placed. Whew! I expect I will wake up feeling like Ellie has made me ride every roller coaster at Kings Island about 20 times each but at least Thursday, I will be on some good meds! I have SO many wonderful, thoughtful treats from friends that I want to share and will hopefully get to them before Thursday BUT also wanted everyone to know that visitors will NOT be allowed at the hospital OR at the house for at least a week. Not only is this a major life change that we as a family need to figure out, but it is imperitive I heal as fast and completely as I can to move onto the next part of this crazy journey. Please keep praying!


  1. The prayer chain keeps getting longer kiddo!! I have ordered a special gang of angels to be at the hospital to oversee this surgery and outcomes. I will send you the bill! Love you! - Tracie C

  2. Kate, You are a brave woman, and I know you have the right attitude. Your blog already shows God has you in the palm of His hand. Remember, I'm at Target almost as often as you, so when you need something from there, just call. You've got my prayers! Barb F.

  3. My sister-in-law in Charlotte, who is majorly "God's right hand connection" has you on her prayer list and group, which meets daily, on line at 5 am! You are covered, Kate-a-roo-soo! I am glad the surgery is Thursday...soon to be in the rear view mirror. I am available for anything you need, any time. I just need direction. All prayers and good wishes.

  4. I am with you and continue to pray that your strength and faith we will see you through this battle. So good to hear good news about the negative BRCA!!! May all the angels and saints be with you during the surgery. Just know we are all here for you and please do not hesitate to call. I will come pick up all the let me know...Seriously! Love,Dawn

  5. I suspect that sleep will not come easy tonight and then 6 a.m. will be here before you know it. Lots of prayers your way!
    Please let me know what you need and I can be there as your mode of transportation/wheels for anything (within reason). The Bergamo Babes all send our best to you and have been addicted to your blog. Know we are with glad for the negative BRCA new..HUGE.
    Love Kris and all Bergamo-ans

  6. Wow Kate - I can't believe this! I just found out this evening and just finished reading your blog. You have a GREAT SPIRIT! I'll be praying for you tomorrow and as your journey progresses. May God be with you my friend and may Our Blessed Mother wrap her mantle around you and your family - Cindy Dunaway
