Friday, September 27, 2013

Fog Advisory Lifted...

Good morning...
I am happy to say that I think I have made the turn to feeling better. Wow, what a long, hard week in many ways. When I still felt horrible all day Wednesday, I started to panic a bit. This weekend is B.I.G. Big! Our nephew Sean is getting married (to the sweetest girlie!) and all of the kids are in the wedding! I am SO grateful to John for really taking over for this weekend and making sure kids are where they need to be and doing what they need to do! Because truthfully, I can't. It is always guaranteed fun when Wordemans et. all get together for a celebration. And selfishly, I am happy to have something like witnessing two great people vow their love for each other to celebrate!

This has been a rough week for Henry. I think the kids just take turns. Last week I was worried about Sarah. This week, Henry. He just hasn't been himself. Angry, rude specifically to me, discouraged at school... It all came to a head Wednesday. Bedtime the night before was... Let's just say painful. After an hour of sobbing and crying and screaming (like wemightneedtoclosethewindowsbeforethepo-poiscalled) bad. He woke up ok but as he was getting dressed, he just simply blurted out. "Momma, are you going to die?"  It just about broke my heart into a million pieces. Short story of it all is that I was truthful and said that I am trying my best and taking medicine to kill every cancer cell in my body and had surgery and am praying but that I would NEVER not be truthful about what was happening in this process and that he will always be taken care of and that honestly, we just don't know when we are going to die and that is why Daddy and I are trying to teach him and his sisters to be kind and respectful and loving and to do their best. All of this through a face full of tears and a very tight throat. All of the anger and frustration from him all week just put into perspective with one sentence. THAT is why I HATE this cancer. I am crying right now. I hate that I can't protect my kids from it OR the feelings it brings.

It also makes me so SO grateful for everyone in our lives right now. Each person makes a difference whether they know it or not. Prayers, emails, cards, texts, phone calls, voicemails, hugs, smiles and waves, chicken noodle soup and ice cream, handmade scarves, blessing bracelets... All of it gets our whole family through this adventure we are on. John and I are forever grateful and blessed. We talked about it so much. (Well, as much as JW and I talk- this is "the" joke for us right now, talking without interruptions OR when I am awake) :)  We are amazed at the bountiful blessings we receive daily.

Henry whipped this up this morning before school and had it on my pillow as a surprise. More tears and a grateful heart. Love that kid even though I am counting every grey hair that grows back on my head because of him. Well, not ALL of them...


  1. Speaking from my personal experience, I absolutely believe you're doing the right thing in being honest with them. I can only imagine though how difficult it is to do. Love and hugs!

  2. Sending you and the family the biggest, warmest and most love felt hugs!

  3. Oh, this brings me to tears. I'm so sorry. Lifting you all up in prayer. xoxo

  4. I boo hoo'd thru this as well of other postings and it does make me so so sad that the kids need to think about all of this. I also hate that you have to go through this,more sobbing... in the end you are an inspiration to me and many others, the way you are handling it all with such grace makes me smile and I know that God is with you and will see you through. Love, Dawn
    More prayers and may hugs coming your way!

  5. I know that I don't get texts, emails or calls out to you each week which makes me sad that I may not be praying hard enough or saying the thought that is in my head for you that I frequently do think between journal entries and accounting reports...swear.
    Please know that my prayers continue my daily thoughts of "How's Kate and family today?" Better check the blog at lunch to see!"

    Please know that you can always call, text or email and no matter what my prayers continue strong! Henry is warrior and his mom will always be his #1.

    Thanks for the awesome picture of his art work, the beautiful story and to know that we are all normal in thinking the window may need to be closed during some arguments!

    Love you


  6. What a beautiful weekend to celebrate a wedding! I am happy to know that you are feeling better and that the children are in the wedding- what a joy!

    Joey says hello- there ia hope for Henry and school...Joey was loving school maybe even less ar that age and somehow is making straight As at the moment in 7th grade! So it can happen, lol!
