Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Checking in on poor pitiful Pearl?

This is going to be quick. I am helping Sarah with her homework and John is helping Henry. Yes, we both need a drink. Except that I have been feeling soooooo puny, a drink might just push me over the edge. I really don't have a specific ailment, just many all combined. For documentation (and whining) purposes, I will list them :)

Slight headache that just won't go away
Sore throat
Ugh... Nausea... Same thing just always there and won't go away
Horrible taste for everything- even/especially water. Everything smells and tastes like dirty sweat sock...
I.... am...tired... So,so tired. Like I could lay down and be asleep in seconds tired. Like I have bags of concrete strapped to me and am just slogging along everywhere tired. Tired...zzzzzzzzzz

Waaaaaahhhhhh! Insert poor, pitiful me face.

But, things are looking up! I ate food today! I saw the plastic surgeon and got a "fill." (cringe) I attempted to drink coffee this morning. I got to chat with Henry's teacher today and she didn't burst into tears and I think still likes him :) slight exaggeration... Really, she is SO nice and is such a great teacher! Yet another huge blessing in not only Henry's life but ours as well.

I finally found a 4 section file holder so all of the children will be organized! Hahahaha Ok, I found a 4 section file holder for our kitchen wall that I will cram each of the children's important papers into in HOPES of some sort of organization and order in this house.

The gal keeping her head above water


  1. A BIG HUG (S) for YOU!!!
    Love, Dawn

  2. Raising 4 children is hard enough when you are healthy. You need to think of yourself first now. You are blessed with a devoted loving husband & 4 great kids, who will always behave & act very mature when they are at someone else's house! So, whine a bit because you are entitled. There are lots of people out here who love you & we want you to be well. If you need someone to help with homework have John drop them off at the store & I'll help them. Send Margo too. She can do crafts. Big hugs!

  3. a Big hug as big as Dawn's hug for you.......why on earth are you organizing school papers?? :)

