Friday, September 13, 2013

Hair today, gone tomorrow... and other things...

Well, my cute pixie cut lasted less than 48 hours...This morning there was enough hair on the floor to form a medium raccoon. Yet again, I called Holli and yet again, she fit me in- and shaved my head. She is also a blessing in disguise! I had a breakdown on John before going but knew it was inevitable. Some of the kids are fine, some Ellie, not so much. I had Chipotle with Melissa and my friend Jaime and felt better. It is just a bizarre feeling. Physically and mentally. On one hand, I "feel" fine- just tired. On the other, it is mentally draining to know that others know you have cancer every time you step out of the house.
We are packed with games this weekend and I am looking forward to the wonderfully cool, fall-like weather. I love having our windows open, wearing a sweatshirt and shorts. We are all so tired. I just can't seem to get myself and the kids into bed before 10 pm. Somehow helping three complete homework and figuring out dinner and practices we haven't been eating before 8 pm. Which had been our usual summer dinner time but clearly needs to be seriously adjusted!. The transition from third to fourth for Sarah has been a bit of a shock. She is doing well but there has been a learning curve of changing classes, teachers homework and added responsibilities. There has been much crying on her part. Not getting enough sleep is NOT helping!
Last week was a week of many doctors appointments. Everything all checked out well. I got my stitches out and my first "fill" into my expanders last Friday. I feel like Dolly Parton. John just shakes his head. Everything you wanted to know about me huh? :)
Ellie, Sarah. Henry and I went to our first of four meetings at the Cancer Family Care Center last Wednesday. the program is called Walk the Dinosaurs and I think everyone liked it as much as they could. Ellie met a really nice girl her own age dealing with her Step-father having cancer. I was shocked by the number of youngish parents and children dealing with stage 4 cancers. Very sad but makes me selfishly hopeful I will never have to experience anything more than what I am now.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I will be trying to make the most of this weather as my next round of chemo is next Thursday so I know I will be out of commission next weekend.


  1. Stay strong my all sufferings come strength and faith.
    Hugs- Tracie

  2. Feeling blessed that our families paths have crossed...XO Jess
