Thursday, September 19, 2013

Two under my belt...

With the help and prayers from all of you, I have chemo round #2 under my belt! Everything went well and I am home in bed. It really does take a village- thank you so much for all of the people taking care of the kids today and through the weekend! Smooches to you!

Here is an idea of what goes on at chemo...


It was only for a minute and I'm sure he will disagree. I will also have to worry about paybacks!


  1. sleepy.

    Congrats on round 2 being done!!!! You are so strong!

  2. Kate, As my granddaughter Sarah would say, he was just taking a little rest, he wasn't sleeping. Glad 2 are done. How many do you have to do? Stay strong, we all are keeping you in our thoughts. Bev K.

  3. Is John ok ?????
    I'll send him a card.

    Keep going Kate !!!!


  4. Your quirky sense of humor is always a blessing!
    Glad all went well today!

  5. You know how we always say we married the same guy? Yeah, you KNOW that would be Ken, too! Hilarious. So glad round 2 is done and that your Cinci peeps are taking care of you and the fam. Wish we lived there and could lend a hand, too! Keep on keepin' on, Go-Go!

  6. Kate, your positive attitude and strength will get you through this. Glad round 2 is finished. After seeing you at Coffee Please, I have sent many prayers UP, for you and your family.

    Pam B
