Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mish mash of things...

Time flies when you are doing too much and by the end of the day, you are falling asleep during Henry's 20 minutes of reading. I have been busy... doing what, I am not quite sure. 6 people living in one house just amazes me the mere minutes it takes to make it look like the house has been ransacked. It makes me want to pull my hair out. Literally, hairs, falling out EVERYWHERE! As I said to people yesterday, I am more obsessed than upset right now. I think it is the veterinary technician in me. "Hey check out THIS grossness!" "Oh, you want me to pick and debride that wound on that dog? Love to!" I called my beloved friend and family hairdresser Holli yesterday and of course she fit me in... because she rocks like that. AND I brought all of the kids... just so... you know they could torture the salon, eat a mass of suckers and not be freaked out by my new "do." They all like it... too bad it is a ticking time bomb... like days. I have multiple sewing and knitting friends that will be helping me out with head wear AND I have a WIG! Pictures and stories to come soon- I have to get Margo TOHERFIRSTDAYOFPRESCHOOL!!!!!!!! GAH!


  1. You look beautiful!


  2. From the words of Billy Crystal playing the part of Nando on the old Saturday Night Live...

    Darling, I got to tell you something
    And I don't say this to everybody
    You look marvelous
    Absolutely marvelous!!

    Hugs - Tracie
