Monday, September 16, 2013

Tick tick tick...

It's already THAT week again. My second round of chemo is this Thursday, the 19th. Why I am letting worry and discouragement seep into my mind, I don't know. Just before I started this post, I said out loud- "I will not let this happen! I will be faithful and strong! I will conquer this cancer and round of chemo with GRACE" I feel all of your prayers and I truly feel God and his trusty angels by my side, so I there really shouldn't be any need for worry. Logically...   I CAN do this!

I am trying to get things done this week so this weekend, while I am down and out, will be covered. That is why I am sitting at the computer in my bathrobe with a cat on my lap! :)

Yesterday, was a day of so many blessings. It always amazes me what beautiful weather can do for your spirit and soul. Sitting at many soccer games in the crisp, clear blue sky and air just makes me happy. I received so many pictures yesterday that just brought happy tears to my eyes. All coming at a time I needed them most. I seriously just kept going back and looking at them all day- feel the love!

Also, last night, Ellie had a basketball game and Sarah also an hour later. So John and I needed to divide and conquer. Clearly, I was at the "wrong" game as I chose to go to Sarah's and Ellie's team all wore pink headbands and the beloved breast cancer Nike socks that Ellie has been REEAAALLLYYY wanting. The friends and moms put this together. John called and when he told me, I was just again overwhelmed with kindness. Kindness that these girls would think so much of not only me but especially Ellie- who is needing this kind of friendship and support now more than ever. To the moms for buying the socks etc. and for becoming my friends too. For telling me my bandanna and hat looks cute. (HA) For telling me that their daughter hasn't missed a night without saying at least three decades of the rosary for me. For the text last night from another friend telling me she can see my strength in my smile and eyes. All of it just incredible blessings that I never want to forget. And most importantly, want my children to learn from these blessings and compassion. This and the many other things all of you are doing. Taking care of my children, laundry, prayers, cards, texts, sewing and knitting me hats, all of it. THAT is where I am getting my strength and will be ready for Thursday- along with my batgirl underwear of course!


  1. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers always, but especially this week as you prepare for this second round. You can do this. xoxo

  2. A day does not pass without me saying a prayer for you and the rest of the fam.
    I know you are up to this challenge and I have no doubt you will come out on top. You are the most wonderful person and so deserving of all this extra attention. As I read your blog I feel both happy and sad. Sad that you even need to do this and happy that you approach it with such grace that it makes me feel so proud to call you my friend. Praying with you and for you every day. You are an inspiration! Love Dawn

  3. Well Said Dawn! Round Deux is sooooo yours. You got this.
    You are feeling a bit of anxiousness bc you now know...Round 1 was the virgin round of not knowing, with no just adjust the thoughts, be headstrong and you can do it!
    Thinking of you so many times this week and esp on Thursday!

