Sunday, September 8, 2013


Good Sunday morning! Although I am snuggled in bed with my best bed buddy Henry, I am also drinking a cup of coffee! Many of you know this is a true sign I am feeling more like myself as I LOVE my morning coffee! Probably a little too much but hey if coffee makes me a happy girl, everyone in this family prospers! :)
Gifts... I want to talk about all of  the unbelievable, amazing gifts I/our family have received since the very minute of my cancer diagnosis. On one hand, they are completely unnecessary. But honestly? All- big or small, from cards and quick sweet loving notes to handmade cross stitch and quilts, all have arrived at some of my most trying times of this journey our family is on. Thank you just seems weak. They all boost my spirit even though I feel undeserving! I can't even begin to capture them all but am trying to go through some on here over time that have not only rocked me to my core with the overwhelming feeling of love but also, I think are really great ideas for others dealing with a serious life event. Please understand they will be posted in no particular order or by importance etc.! Honestly, there are some that I can't even put into words the raw emotion of  love and  blessings they have brought to me right now.
Again, thank you everyone. For the prayers, cards, emails, texts, dinners, gift cards, warm fuzzy stripy Buckeye socks :), flowers, clean laundry, clean bathrooms! bracelets, PRAYERS and more prayers! It is all very humbling.

My crappy day treats...

This pile of amazing presents are from two friends. Two friends that I happened to meet under circumstances most would never have. It turned into a group of fantastic women I couldn't imagine not in my life. So, these are called crappy day presents. Anytime I am having a rough moment,( like trying to work with Henry on homework) I open a CDP. So far,they have run the gammet of reeaalllllyyyy good chocolate to a solar powered iron owl that sits on our front porch. Isn't that just incredible? Love you Anne and Kerry- more than you can imagine. Thank you for making me laugh so hard, I have actually blamed you both for making my chest hurt! 

1 comment:

  1. CPD is awesome!! The Owl is the best yet.
    Take care..hugs

