Friday, October 4, 2013


October... How did THAT happen?!
Let's catch up...
The wedding was such fun! Brittany was probably one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen. The kids all did a wonderful job- handing out programs and walking down the isle as a flower girl and ring bearer. (The last one did cost us one Nerf gun...) The reception was just beautiful and it was so nice to see many people that I haven't seen and that have been praying for us. I love how friends of Johns siblings that watched him grow up are now our friends too. We again were reminded how very blessed we are.
"Dolly..." That's what I have named my wig. Not 100% sure why but needed a name for 'her' (I need to post the story of buying 'her.') Now, in my opinion, it's a wig. Plain and simple. It may look nice, but it it still a wig- on my head. I am still laughing at how many people told me that they could not tell it was a wig and not my real head of hairs. BAH I say... Granted, most of them were men saying this and the beers were flowing. :) but alas, "she" stayed on and behaved.

The reception was fun and memorable... For many reasons besides the usual good time. One is that unbeknownst to their parents, Ellie and Margo were stuck in the elevator for over 1/2 and hour and were saved by many firemen with crowbars after Ellie called 911 from the emergency phone. Well, she HAD called her mothers cell phone but come on! All of my children were with me so I had put my purse at the table not thinking I would need it for an emergency! In my defense, Sarah and I had been looking for them... 
Also, as the evening progressed, I became aware of my children's love for dancing. Clearly, they get this from their father and his side of the family who were right out there with them. To say we all had a fantastic time is an understatement. I need to get some pictures of Henry who at one point had his tie tied around his head and was ending songs by sliding on his knees in perfect timing towards the band. I didn't even attempt to get pictures I was in such shock.

The next day, I felt like I was 110 years old. But it was worth every moment! 
Sunday, was a big soccer game for Sarah and John (her coach) they were undefeated and played another very good undefeated team. Short story is they lost by 2 goals that got by Sarah in the 4th quarter. She deflected one that was just incredible but after the 2 got by her, she was still playing goalie and could not stop crying. She is an amazing soccer player and I love how sports is her "outlet" and she truly gives her all. 
This week, I am feeling more "normal" but can't believe how tired I am. Just worn out tired. When I was changing our big family calendar, I could NOT believe it is almost time for another round of chemo. (10/10) it has really taken me much longer to recover from this round- just in time to start it again. I am not going to lie, it worries me how the rest of these rounds are going to go. I am not looking forward to them! Again, the timing of friends amazes me. Friends that make extra dinners and drop them off (saving me from cooking!) and sending cards and treats at just the right time when I am looking around at all of the stuff that needs to get done... 
A friend gave me a blessing bracelet. It is beautiful and has brought such incredible comfort and help to me this past week. Yes, there is worry-  my health, my children, John, money, bills, friends,the recent, unexpected death of a wonderful beloved teacher at SGS that has hit home with all of the kids, normal household junk, homework etc.  but seriously, this ONE simple thought. This beautiful bracelet made and worn to be a reminder of the MANY numerous blessings that are constantly here and there, popping up just when I needed reminding has brought me through this last week. I feel horrible because I haven't even called to thank her or tell her what it has meant to me because I think all she will hear is my crying and squeaky voice telling her thank you. So, again, thank you Mary Ann. I promise I will thank you in person soon! :) 


  1. Kate!! Looking fantastic!
    I am looking at a picture of the most beautiful family and I can actually see a glow around all of you...praise be to God!

  2. Kate you look great. Keep going. Love & Prayers, Matt

  3. Wonderful pictures and a beautiful family! I love the elevator story by far....priceless. No worries...turn those over the BIG guy and just do what you have to do. 10/10 sounds lucky to me.
    One day at a time......many prayers your way!
    Many hugs

  4. I love the photos and the story about Henry xo

  5. I love LOVE the pictures!!!
    Hug and kisses to you all��marg

  6. Hi Kate, I found your blog by way of Sara Sitting. Your comment on her post touched my heart so I had to come here to visit you. After reading about your journey with this awful disease, I just want to tell you how much I admire your courage and determination. You seem like a wonderful wife, mother and friend. You might be surprised to know a complete stranger is praying for you and sending your entire family well wishes. You are so lucky and blessed to have family and friends who are there for you during this time. I have always been pretty much a loner not having many friends so I am envious of the sweet relationships you have with your friends. I am a Christian and believe anything is possible with God's help. Good luck and God's blessings to you and your family.

    Linda D.
