Monday, November 4, 2013

Crashing waves...

This has been one rough day. Since Fridays chemo I felt... The same as all of the others. Tired, gross taste in my mouth, headache,slightly nauseous. Then this morning came and it was brutal. My head is pounding and the waves of nausea just won't stop. Nothing's happening of course as I haven't eaten anything. New hot flashes and tingly fingers have been added. I called in reinforcements (thank you!) and kids have been swept away to play and taken home from school, homework completed and a friend has brought dinner. As I lay here, unable to sleep, I am so incredibly grateful. Melissa and our friend Kelly broke in Friday during chemo, cleaned our house ( and fixed up my basement craft table... (again,!)  Time to start the Christmas cards no? Melissa and Bill kept Margo since Halloween and Henry on Friday until yesterday! John has been from soccer tournaments and to basketball tournaments and work and doing the yard etc.

It really does take a village and for that I am so grateful for mine. 


  1. Exhale and close your eyes....inhale and focus...take in the Power of the Lord from the tips of your toes up to the top of your head...exhale and feel the healing powers of his hands and feel the embrace of all the family, friends, and people that are constantly thinking of you and praying....
    Soon these treatments will be "just something that you did once" as my Mother would say...


  2. Kate, it was so good to see you this morning. When I drove by your house & saw the empty laundry baskets & the pink bags of freshly laundered clothes on your porch, it just made me smile. How blessed you must feel to have a laundry fairy and friends who break in to your home to clean. I'd be happy to leave my front door unlocked if they have some free time on their hands! LOL! I feel kind of useless as I am only the stalker who drives by your house a few days each week to say a little prayer for you & the family. I am here to assist in any way with the Christmas cards. Please let me know if you need anything. Hugs & prayers for you!
