Sunday, April 19, 2015


Sorry I haven't updated. But to be very truthful, I have been sick- like really sick. Like scared friends,family and even myself sick. With my bloodwork low and high and all over the place and being so dehydrated, I just couldn't bounce back. I was released from the hospital on Monday and have honestly been in bed 90% of the time since. To say I had 0 energy is an was just yesterday, that I woke up with a smidge of an idea that I would be out of bed for more than 10 minutes. I took Henry to his baseball game- such a gorgeous, sunny day. I met some new baseball moms that were so nice and the work that the dads do during these games? I am in awe. I'm looking forward to more fun games.
After his game though, I was toast.
Back to recovery... Right now, clearly my scheduled chemo was postponed last Wednesday. It is now scheduled for this Wednesday. Two days ago I would have thought no way but now I think I need the mindset to Just plow through. I asked for bloodwork last Friday and I was completely shocked when it came back not just normal but good!! WHA? Why then am I feeling just SO horrible?! Dr. S says she just really thinks I have had a good, long run of bouncing back and it's kind of caught up with me.
There are so many factors riding on the timing and my well being of this round of chemo. In my opinion, I have to plow ahead this Wednesday and also figure out some magical combination of strength and medicine to keep me as strong as possible. It scares me that this might be an impossible task. Henry is celebrating his First Holy Communion on May 2. My Goddaughter is celebrating her Confirmation on May 1 and I am her sponcer. There are parties to plan and food and fun! Oh you guys...I am worried- really worried. PLEASE pray for me! Please pray Pray for strength and patience. Pray for energy.  Thank you SO much!

Smooches, Kate


  1. Thinking of you always and sending prayers that your prayers are answered. Peace be with you and God bless!

  2. Just got home and immediately found your blog...THANK YOU for sharing it with me! You are brave, funny, kind, and an awesome writer! I'm so glad we've met. Sending love and prayers your way!

  3. I pray that you will be given strength, courage, patience, energy, healing and whatever you need to get you through these difficult days. God bless you and your family!
