Sunday, February 16, 2014

Not so bad...

There is a t-shirt I see on one of my breast cancer sites that says...
Foobs-(fake boobs) because my real ones tried to kill me...

It makes me laugh every time I see it.

I am feeling such strength from your prayers and well wishes. Thank you- seriously from the bottom of my heart. One of my biggest fears since chemo has been finished is that people will forget that I am still in the middle of this fight and prayers would be forgotten. A good friend wrote me a great reminder... " just because you overcome one hurdle, doesn't mean the prayers stop." I have said this over and over again! Thank you Tracie!

My reconstruction surgery was last Thursday. John and I had to be at B North at 5:30 AM! Everything went very well. Here is what I remember.
Watching USA curling with John while we waited for me to be taken to surgery
One slightly annoying nurse but could have been my nerves
Liking my anesthesiologist solely because I thought he was cute. John disagreed.
Loved hearing so much laughter and comraderie coming from the nurses station outside my door.
Dr. K coming in and marking me with a surgical marker...
When the second surgical assistant came in to introduce herself, I panicked and said to tell Dr. K I wanted to go bigger... Come on people! I am only going through this once! Go big or go home was probably said for this exact surgery first! Teeheehee
Still thinking how weird it is for me to be in a hospital and to not be coming home with a baby.
Laughing that I would be coming home with two "babies" if you know what I mean...
Being rolled down the hallway to surgery and worrying they wouldn't stop so I could get one last kiss from John - they did, but man, they were moving fast!
Never even seeing the surgical suite. Right after my good bye kiss from John, the anesthesiologist gave me something in my IV while going down the hall and it was Cracker Jack lights out for me.
SO happy and very blessed that my good friend Liz was able to be my recovery nurse! I still laugh when I remember her sternly telling me " breathe Kate, breathe. Kate take another breath..."
Strawberry jello and apple juice never tasting so good.

Since coming home Thursday afternoon, I have slept a lot! Thanks to so many friends and family for taking kids etc. my good friend Leisa babysat me on Friday. And John has been running to and from work to games, play dates and practices.
While I am stuffed into a straight jacket like bra, I can already tell things are so much better and less painful with out the tissue expanders.
Haven't had a look at "the girls" at all but again have complete trust in my plastic surgeon.

I am just so happy that yet another step in this crazy journey is behind me.

I also wanted to tell you a great story that happened to me last Wednesday. You know how I love my signs!
Wednesday, I had lunch with my friend Ann and her daughter and Margo. Ann is a newish friend I have met through our kids at St. Gertrude's and to say I adore her is an understatement. Not only does she make me laugh, but has such fantastic insight about life, kids and keeping a close relationship with God, that every time is see her or talk to her, she leaves me with something to think about. During our lunch and talking about my surgery the next day, Ann mentioned how she has a friend that went through breast cancer too and  how she couldn't believe she hadn't hooked the two of us up to chat. Ann said that her friend now had a license plate that says Now DD... I laughed and have now been obsessed with what my license plate should say. :)
Wednesday, after I picked up the kids, we went to Target to finally get valentines for parties for school and other essentials. While we were there, I ran into a mom and her children that we met when Henry and her son played soccer together last Spring. It is one of those we know each other from that and we say hi in passing. They are just a very nice family. We said hi, chatted about upcoming soccer and went our separate ways in search of valentines. Somehow, we also left target at the same time and their van was right across from ours. Can you believe my shock when I saw that her license plate said Now DD?!?!?!  We talked about our connection, exchanged cell phone numbers and promised to meet soon for coffee. She reassured me that my surgery the next day would be fine and that I would feel so much better without the expanders.
 I just love the signs God sends us right when we need them.


  1. Awesome sign and not a coincidence. I heard a sermon a LONG time ago that was all about how life doesn't give us coincidences, but those are really God at work. I am sure you agree.
    Love the Target story. Love your play by play back to the OR and so happy that the girls and you are home recovering! Please call with any needs. I will be our insurance navigator and phone caller, if you want me too! Promise. Kris

  2. Go Kate Go..... remember that post with the cows and I said : it looks like those girls could jump over the fence! Ha ha ha..... sounds like they did! prayers 4 u John Michael

  3. Kate - That is too funny! "Now DD" is on my tennis team! I will tell her you said hello. I'm glad your surgery went well. It was so nice to catch up last weekend. Take care - Bartley

  4. So, so glad another step is behind you. Kate you truly are Bat Girl! Maybe Bat Girl is ready for a small rest as the road ahead will be smoother as you return to your life. Think of and pray for you, John and the kids often, even if we don't talk. Did you find the bunny sleeping bag on your back porch? Ginna
