Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Thank you everyone trying to get me "un-stuck." I have amazing friends and family. I will eventually find my "new normal."

 So, in approximately 5hours, I start my reconstruction surgery. Well, I don't, my very competent wonderful plastic surgeon does. Let's just hope they look better than my foob cake my friends got me last weekend while on my scrapbooking weekend!

It was such a wonderful weekend and time spent with such fun friends. 

I have so much more to write but I just have to get some sleep before I have my check in at 5:30! How am I going to get through this without coffee?!
I will check in in a few days. If I can get John to update,I will!! Thank you for your prayers!!

1 comment:

  1. My daughter had a book about monkeys. It reminded me of you. THEN it hit me.... it's MIDGET not MONKEY! THinking of you all week. Hope you are recovering well with Foobs! (Still laughing!)
