Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fast Forward and Thankful Thursday...

OK, I just need to fast forward past the Holidays right now and catch everyone up on well, now.

I have to admit, yesterday was sad, frustrating and yet another "I knew this was coming" day.
There were many contributing factors. Germs- we have been SO lucky this December to not have been plagued by the crazy amount of germs that so many of our friends and family have been hit with. Margo came down with a fever Dec. 23rd that had me freaking but again thankfully only lasted 24 hrs. I have had a cough that sounds worse than it is making me feel and when checked yesterday, has not gone to my lungs. Sarah has not been so lucky. She stayed home Tuesday with a cough and sore throat. Yesterday, she woke up very sad and said she couldn't breathe... so, calls were made, people changed their plans and John and I went to my appointment in Indy and Melissa came over with Sarah and then took her to the doctors. And then to pick up her prescriptions... because Sarah freaking has pneumonia. I would not be honest if I didn't tell you the whole situation broke my heart. While again, there are just not enough words I can say about Melissa- and yes I would do the same if the roles were reversed- but they are not and sometimes it is just one hard pill to swallow. I should be the one taking my sick child to the doctors. I shouldn't have to choose between my doctors appointment and hers. I should be the one available to sit and snuggle on the couch with her. (aka watch her play on the ipad) The scenario just hit a huge nerve as it is one of the things I have imagined when...
Indy wasn't much better in the frustration department. The short story is that for the first time, the decision was made to hold off on my chemo for a week. The chemo "famous" hand and foot toxicity has really done a number mainly on my feet so to give it another week for them to heal would be best. Also, I have swelling in my neck at the tumor site which in past experience has told us that the chemo isn't working anymore and we need to move onto a new one. So, no chemo and scans scheduled for sometime before next Wednesday when we go to Indy for scan results and some type of chemo. I get "it" but still frustrating.

Thankful Thursday...

Really, just so many things to be thankful for!

Melissa- not only does she love and care for my children like they are her own but also brought us dinner! :) Everyone should be blessed to have a "Melissa" in their lives.

For Dr. M and nurse B and Dr. S whom all talked some sort of sense into me yesterday that holding off really is the best thing for me. Best line of the day? "Listen, we need to get your feet healed or people are going to think you are abusing the wrong color of bronzer!"

Thankful that there is still another chemo/plan for me.

For all of my texts, and emails and prayers- it is an amazing feeling- so many praying for me.

For Deb- because showing up at my door with not only wine but beer after just one sad text from me. I have incredible friends and am so thankful.

So thankful for my "I barely know you" friend JM for dropping off a HUGE bag of Cetaphil lotions at my door last week. You have no idea how much lotion I am going through. Thank you Jill!

Thankful for so many nieces and nephews in my life. I am so glad I got to visit and laugh with them over the Holidays. Seriously, laughing with my nephew Sean on Christmas Eve will go down in the books as one of my favorite times.(Grandpas famous bloody marys could have helped this situation)  Getting to see and laugh with John, Peggy and Tricia- home from Chicago, New York and OSU... Getting to see how much they all love my children. I am just so thankful how just really wonderful they ALL are.

Thankful for the messages at Mass the last couple of weeks- trying to put the message into action. Not always easy to accomplish but worth the effort.

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