Friday, December 13, 2013

This girl...

Hello! I return from being MIA. So much has gone on since thanksgiving. It never seases to amaze me how time really does fly. We had thanksgiving at my SIL house and not to get sappy, I think for me, it was one of the most enjoyable. Nieces and nephews have grown and moved away were back for a visit. College kids were in. My kids were in hog heaven to see them all. There is nothing like a Wordeman party! Yes, I completed and survived Black Friday shopping with my friends Melissa and Colleen! We met at about 6:45 am and finished the evening by meeting our husbands and children for dinner and beers until 11 pm. I was fine until I sat down. :)
Sports have started for the older kids. Ellie, indoor soccer and another round of basketball with John coaching. Sarah, indoor soccer with John coaching, another round of basketball and volleyball at SGS. Henry is starting basketball but has yet to play because of snow days. There is the possibility of another snow day tomorrow and let me tell you, he is going to be madder than a wet cat if it is cancelled again. Let's just say, the kid is a little excited. Yes that is 6 sports for 3 kids and yes, we know we are crazy.

How am I feeling... Chemo #5 was better than the dreaded #4 I am happy to say. Again, not a walk in the park but like I have said, I am bouncing back to some sense of normality, so I shouldn't complain. My new side effects are so annoying my eyes and sometimes nose are CONSTANTLY watering! I am having to clutch at a Kleenex and wipe and dab at my runny eyes every 5 seconds! Drives me nuts! Trying so see anything without being blurred, is next to impossible. I am praying this goes away soon.also, the Doctor said today when I showed him the bruising of my nail beds that I will most likely lose my nails. Ugh... It's just a build up of the chemo toxicity. My biggest change has been bedtime. Like kids are in bed, 30 seconds later, I am in bed. I just hit a wall at night that I never have before. I was the queen of 1,2,3am nights and loved it. It was quiet, I had time for myself to read, scrapbook, putz of the computer. I loved it and right now, there is no way that could be regular routine.

I finished my #6 and LAST round of chemo today! It went very well, had a sweet nurse that was very efficient and got us in and out in record time. I didn't see Dr. W today due to scheduling but learned that the next steps will be a check up and labs in 6 weeks and then every 3 months for two years, then 4 months for 2 years etc. Honestly? On one hand, I am so happy and proud of no only myself but my friends and family who helped us get to this last one, there is no way we could have survived these last 6 months without all of you. Sometimes the blessing come fast and furious. So much so it's kind of like having the wind knocked out of you. Simple things, strangers coming up and understanding what I am up against. Asking my name so they can pray for me. 5,10,20+ year survivors telling me I WILL be ok! Hugs just because. It all sticks with you. Which is all of what is keeping me as sain as possible upon starting this new phase of my journey. It's scary to be finished with the chemo. This is were we will eventually get the answer if it "worked" reminds me of two things. One, like standing at the tippy edge of a high dive looking down into the water knowing you are going to jump. You don't really want to, but also know it will hopefully be a one time shot that you won't have to do again. Two, I correlate finishing chemo with right after you have a baby and on one hand, you are so proud of what you have accomplished in conceiving,growing and delivering this amazing miracle that God has entrusted you with and then you think? Seriously?! They are just letting me leave this hospital WITH him/her!? All by ourselves?! What the...!?!? What do we do now?!

So, here I am on my own (physically) ready to tackle this last round of side effects and yuck with all of the knowledge and grace I have gained through all of this, praying I will never have to do it again.

I also scheduled surgery for my new foobs or freasts (fake boobs or fake breasts). February 13. Onto the new adventure! Christmas is coming! I can't wait to be feeling better and to have some down time with the children. It is needed. I have a new bucket list for the new year that I am working on. It's incredible how this year has changed me I believe for the better. God sure has gotten my attention! :)


  1. So proud of you...I know this sounds like a mother to a child but I AM! You are AMAZING and we are are so grateful to have a friend like you. I cry when I read these posts even though your humor is there. I also smile because of your grace. I see and feel in your words that God is with you. The power of prayer is strong and is seeing you through. You have given us all an amazing gift, to open our eyes to love and all the things that matter most. Thank you for a beautiful gift! Hugs to all. Love Dawn

  2. I do not know you but you really are AMAZING! You have influenced so many people with your amazing attitude and courage. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Merry Christmas and the very Best Wishes for a better year for all of you. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey!

